Saturday, 30 April 2016

IIBM India: How to Motivate Yourself at Work !!!

What does one need to do to climb that ladder of success? It simply comes down to the sweat and number of hours you put in your work. But, there can be vast difference between what you are required to do and then actually getting yourself to do.
You need a push to make yourself go through all the hard work. In simpler words without a motivation you cannot motivate yourself to achieve something. Now you know, all those HR policies that focuses on motivation. It can be pretty difficult at times to keep yourself motivated.
If you have tried a number of things to motivate yourself and in the end you are at the same place just doing your job without the willingness to grow, you are at a level of frustration where you want to close yourself.
Whenever you feel the low in your work life, you can start with a number of steps that help you bring back the motivation. There are little things in your work that helps you being motivated and once you recognize it, you gain a strange power to redesign your day at work.
7 Things to Do To Motivate Yourself at Work
Don’t Think About it as Hard Work:
There is only one way for me to motivate myself to work hard: I don’t think about it as hard work. I think about it as part of making myself into who I want to be. Once I’ve made the choice to do something, I try not to think so much about how difficult or frustrating or impossible that might be; I just think about how good it must feel to be that, or how proud I might be to have done that. Make hard look easy.
Think about it: If the project you’re faced with isn’t viewed as drudgery, but rather as a piece of the puzzle that’s helping you along your career path, then perhaps the energy required to do it will be easier to come by.

Create Small, Bite-Sized Goals

There’s a reason donut holes are so lovable. They’re easy to eat. Before you know it, you’ve eaten a dozen of them. This is how goals should be too. Of course you should have a really big, audacious goal. But make sure you break down that goal into bite-sized, consumable goals. This way you’ll feel like you’re making progress in your journey and you’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment when you complete the smaller goals. A feeling of progress and achievement is a beautiful combination.

Read Daily

Make sure you carve out time in your day to read. (I recommend the early mornings before everyone is awake.) Read for at least one hour a day. If that’s too much, start with 20 minutes [a day] and do it for one month (habit). Develop a belief that reading is the quickest way to success. It will make reading a breeze, and extremely fun/rewarding (if you’re driven by success). The most successful people in the world attribute their success to reading a lot of books (Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Elon Musk).
Although it may sound counter-productive to set aside reading time when really what you’re looking for is motivation to work hard, sometimes it’s necessary to do something seemingly unrelated to tackle the task at hand. Developing a daily reading habit is one thing that’s likely to have a long-lasting impact on your thought processes, ultimately inspiring you in all areas of your life.

Stop Caring About the Things That Don’t Matter

Doing things that don’t mean anything costs [us] a ton of mental energy. Look at your aggregated to-do list, find things you know that you don’t care about, and get rid of as many of these activities as possible. You will stay more consistently motivated if you’re working on activities that are inherently meaningful or are part of a larger mission.
Look very carefully and closely at your list, and shave off anything that’s both truly demotivating and unnecessary for you to do. It’s not always best to finish what you started if, down the line, you can’t even remember the reason you started something in the first place. 

Set a Quit Time

Entrepreneurs tend to stray from the typical 8 to 5 workday, and global accessibility through emails and Skype makes it more than easy to have a 24-hour workday. But it’s important to recognize when enough is enough. Set a realistic quitting time for yourself, and stick to it most days of the week. Stop answering emails after 8 PM, or take Sundays off. You’ll feel more refreshed and more productive when you allow yourself some down time. 

Just Do It

To get motivated to start doing something, from my own experience, the most effective trick for me is to just do it (sounds trite, but it works). As soon as you think something needs to be done, jump into it, doing it immediately (of course, provided the conditions are feasible). You must not think about anything else, suppressing all other thoughts, keeping your mind blank, acting like a robot. Yes, it sounds weird, but it does work! Otherwise, you will debate whether you should do it now or there were too many issues with doing it, or there are other more pleasurable and exciting things to do over this boring task.

Celebrate Wins

Start acknowledging all the good you are doing. Don’t discount the little things. I mean, how many times do you scold yourself for doing something small that wasn’t perfect? How often do you think the good things such as being on time, or signing a new client is simply how it’s meant to be? They need celebrating. You need more wins in your life. This will motivate you, encourage you, and help you see how brilliant you truly are.

ABOUT IIBM Institute

IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Thousands of IIBM alumni are working with leading 

Friday, 29 April 2016

IIBM India with Suresh Gyan Vihar University - Career in B Tech - CSE in Cloud Computing is next big thing

Cloud Computing is the latest technology that will make life easier for people in organizations dealing with huge amounts of data and information. Today institutions, both government and private, invest a great deal in maintaining servers to store that information. However, not all of this data is accessed frequently. This result is under utilization of available services and unnecessary costs. That's where cloud computing helps.

It uses remote servers to store and maintain data for clients who can access it when they need to. You don't need software or a server for this; all a consumer requires is an internet connection to start sending emails. The server and email management software is on a 'cloud drive' on the internet and is managed by service providers like Yahoo, and Google.

"Since cloud services have a huge potential, the demand for professionals will be equally high in the coming years. Moreover, since India does not a have ready talent pool, they might command a premium," says Vikas Maheshwari, Director (cloud Computing) IIBM India, who works in the domain of cloud computing in alliance with Suresh Gyan Vihar University.

Job Prospects

According to a study by global IT consulting firm Zinnov, the global cloud computing market is expected to be over $70 billion by 2015, and India will create job opportunities for about 3 lakh people in the same period.

Salary Level

Salary levels will be equally impressive. An entry-level professional, perhaps with 5-6 years of experience, can earn around 12-19 lakh; while a mid-level executive will get around 20 lakh. People with 10-15 years experience can hope to get 30 lakh or more.

Universities offering B Tech in Cloud Computing

Students who want to enter the exciting world of cloud computing can do B Tech in cloud computing from Universities like UPES, Suresh Gyan Vihar University.

For Admissions call  - 08006122222 /

IIBM Institute launches regular B-Tech – Computer Science and Engineering (Cloud Computing) with Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur

Founded on 2008, IIBM Institute is now being considered as one of the leading brands responsible for imparting online Management programs. Recently the institute has launched their first hybrid education program with strategic alliance with Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur.

The courses which are being offered in alliance with Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur are: 
  • B-Tech – Computer Science and Engineering (Cloud Computing)
  • BCA - Cloud Computing
  • BBA – Digital Marketing
All these courses are offered in regular mode of teaching and the classes will be held in University campus. IIBM Institute is responsible for class arrangement, faculty selection, quality management, offering placement assistance for students etc. Initially, this hybrid training and educational programs of IIBM Institute will be available in 4 indicant cities: in Jaipur the alliance is made with UGC approved Suresh Gyan Vihar University. According to IIBM, other three cities are Bangalore, Delhi, and Hyderabad.

Cloud computing and Digital Marketing are now widely in demand in Indian job market as well as in international market.  In this fast changing dynamic world, latest technologies are dominating world and to a large extent determining the marketability of young professionals. The career education program of IIBM is now offering an exclusive opportunity to developed industry needed skill for manpower training on areas like Cloud, Mobility, and Big Data Analytics.

All the programs are regular, comprehensive, and holistic with customized offerings for business schools, engineering students a unique opportunity to give their professional career a dynamic thrust. The programs bring together the latest software content, real-world industry experiences, hands-on lab courses, proven practices and case studies for the participants.

Starting in academic year 2016, IIBM Institute and Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur have strategically collaborated to set up regular BBA, BCA, and B-Tech for students to enhance and upgrade their skill in Big Data & Analytics, Cloud Computing, Business Analytics and Information Security.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

IIBM India: Get Total Quality Management Professional + Project Management Certification + Kaizen Professional Certification !!!

Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific onetime effort. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying tasks or how goals will be achieved, what resources are need, and associating budgets and timelines for completion. 

Kaizen means ?improvement?. Kaizen strategy calls for never-ending efforts for improvement involving everyone in the organization- managers and workers alike. 
Management has two major components: 
1. Maintenance and
2. Improvement The objective of the maintenance function is to maintain current technological, managerial and operating standards. The improvement function is aimed at improving current standards. Total Quality Management is the organization-wide management of quality. Management consists of planning, organizing,directing, control, and assurance. Total quality is called total because it consists of two qualities: quality of return to satisfy the needs of the shareholders, and quality of products.

Eligibility: 10+2 or Equivalent

Duration: 6 Months

Curriculum :

  • Introduction to Quality Management  
  • Concept of Quality
  • Customer Retention
  • Concept of Quality Circle
  • Total Quality Through Japanese 
  • Performance measure  5-S
  • Statistical Process Control
  • Process Capability and Six Sigma
  • Tools and Techniques for Quality Management
  • The Seven Tools of TQM
  • ISO Concept
  • Quality Management System

  •  Managing a Project
  •  Managing Project Integration
  •  Managing the Project Scope
  •  Managing Project Time
  •  Managing Project Costs
  •  Managing Project Quality
  •  Managing Project Human Resources
  •  Managing Project Communications
  •  Managing Project Risks
  •  Introducing Project Procurement Management
  •  PMP Code of Professional Conduct

  • The Fundamental Question
  • Why Does Customer Care need Kaizen?
  • What is Kaizen?
  • What are Kaizen’s Instruments?
  • What Makes Excellent Customer Care?
Aspects of the Kaizen Approach to the Customer
  • Breaking Down Internal Barriers
  • Motivating and Enabling Employees
  • Researching the Market
  • Building Long-Term Relationships with Customers
  • The Technology to Improve Customer Service
Uniting Customer Care and Kaizen
  • Developing and Implementing a Kaizen –based Customer Care Strategy
  • Avoiding Pitfalls and Maintaining the Momentum
Fore more details visit:

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

IIBM India: 5 Things You Must Do To Take Control of Your Job Search and Your Career!!

It’s time to take control of your career! Individuals who have the most career success are typically those who take full ownership and control of the direction their career is heading. They do not sit around and wait for the next opportunity to arise or for someone to tell them what they need to do. Instead, they grab hold of their own ideas and passions and build their most successful career. So, what exactly do they do?

Here are five things you need to do to take control of your job search and career:

Look and Plan Ahead

You might not be looking for a job, but there is no hard rules that you should not be looking out. To keep yourself updated with the openings in your industry can land you to a better position. You should not wait till the time comes to begin your search. Keep looking out for opportunities as well as keep updating your resume and revise it regularly. Remember the best time to look out for opportunities when you still have a job and not when you need to.

Have a Strategy

Are you too general in your resume or are you trying to be master of all jacks kind? Well this strategy sounds like a safe option but leaves the employer in a position where it becomes difficult for him/her to identify a part of the organization where you will be helpful. Hence, it is always better to have a specific resume and target each job opening separately with little modifications in your resume.

Position Yourself Correctly

Do you consider your target audience when looking for a job? You are known to sell yourself to the employer so your employer is your target audience and you are the product. To position yourself correctly you need to drop the jargon that talks about your current job and use the language of the next one you are approaching.

Target Enough Positions

Are you targeting enough positions? It is like if you are targeting just 2 positions in say 10 companies, it comes out that you are targeting only 20 positions which might or might not be vacant. So you will have wait for 20 people to leave or a new job to be created to target the positions. Spread more and take about 200 positions to target. This increases your probability and reduces your job search time.

Do not waste your days waiting to meet someone for one position. Instead if you can use the same time to meet more people, it will be more fruitful as a job search.
Spend enough time on your job search. Do not expect to have a productive job search until you spend quality time on it.

Networking is the Key to Successful Job Search

When you are looking for a job, you need to make sure you are in touch with the right people. Leverage your network and get in touch directly with the hiring managers. Use social media to connect with people and increase your knowledge.
Follow up and keep in touch with the network you have created even if you are not looking out. Do not let these disappear.

ABOUT IIBM Institute

IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Thousands of IIBM alumni are working with leading 

Monday, 25 April 2016

IIBM Institute Courses: Path to a successful career in Master Program in Supply Chain Management!!

Master Program in Supply Chain Management-

This program will develop skills for the professional to optimize organization profitability through effective management of supply chain. The program will help the participant to sharpen their skill to leverage the advantage of proper supply chain. It is a program which should be chosen by the future Managers, who have an inclination towards the cost optimization of an organization and maximum market penetration of its product.

Eligibility: Graduation/ Diploma in any discipline or equivalent with minimum one year of work experience

Duration: 1 Year / 2 Semesters

Curriculum :

Semester I

  • Principles & Practices of Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Organizational Behaviour

Semester II

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Statistical Quality Control
  • Distribution & Logistics Management
  • Business Logistics
Who Should Register?

This program benefits professionals working in all areas of supply chain management, but more specifically those in the procurement and sourcing area. The Master Program in Supply Chain Management and Procurement is open to anyone interested in gaining or improving their integrated supply chain management and strategic sourcing skills.

Highlights of the Program:
  • Course curriculum is designed based on professional inputs from diverse fields. This includes both industry and academia.
  • Content of the course is planned with an affluent theoretical and practical approach.
  • Comfort of a working professional has been taken into consideration with distance learning and Sunday classes.
  • This course can be adapted by all fresher, supervisors, Jr level executives and middle level Managers who wish to build their career in SCM.

ABOUT IIBM Institute

IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Thousands of IIBM alumni are working with leading

Friday, 22 April 2016

IIBM Institute: What do online courses have to offer?

Everything has moved to the click of a mouse—self-paced and self-arranged, then it’s time that our studies also follow suit. Here, am just trying to bring out the benefits of an online course, do not get me wrong of being critiquing the class-room style of learning. Class-room or face-to-face studies will continue for the years to come, but there is also an Internet revolution which has gotten into our homes and we have to sit and take notice of it now.

Mr. Smart & Mr. Bookworm are looking for a job opportunity but they both lack a certification in the field. So they decided to go for one, but with distinctive ways of learning i.e. e-Learning and traditional learning. Let’s find out the advantages an e-Learning course can provide and how Mr. Smart & Mr. Bookworm land up in the end.

Benefits of online courses!

Comfort and convenience: Online courses offer the convenience and comfort of home, with no hassle of commuting long distances. Course material is always accessible online, with no need for special trips to a library. Online learning is a good option for all who are struggling to balance their work and family commitments.

Flexibility: The biggest advantage of pursuing an online course is the flexibility it has to offer in terms of time / hours of learning. Once you have availed the course, it can be pursued at any time as per your convenience and even completed at your own pace. There are no deadlines for course completion, nor any fixed hours for studying.

Economical / Cost Effective: Online courses are more affordable than class-room or full-time courses as they save on a lot of administrative costs which otherwise is a big cost in class-room courses. Hence, while offering value for money they are good for the pockets as well.

No break or leaves required: It does not require to be on leave or take a sabbatical to pursue online courses, these can be pursued along with your job or any other full-time certification that you are already pursuing; all that it needs some dedicated time whatever time of the day it be.

Industry-accepted & recognized certificates: On course completion a proper certificate is provided to the candidate which is well recognized and accepted by the industry / recruiters. Some recruiters have even started mentioning online courses which are preferred / desirable in their hiring for a few openings, which so emphatically highlights the importance and acceptance of online courses these days.

Wide range of programs and courses: Online courses offer a vast variety of programs from traditional universities to completely online career colleges. Whatever might be the desire from nursing to neuroscience, its available online; an academic degree, a career certificate or a doctorate….it’s all there!

ABOUT IIBM Institute

IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Thousands of IIBM alumni are working with leading 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

IIBM Institute Courses: A Lucrative Career Option in Master Program In International Business !!

ABOUT IIBM Institute

IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Master Program In International Business:

A Master Program in International Business certificate program serves the needs of its students by offering a convenient learning, unconstrained by a set time and place, to interact with fellow students. Students attain new skill sets to help manage and enhance the value of today�s complex business scenario. This program provides you with an advanced understanding of the international business environment by developing your global perspectives on business and preparing you for the challenges of operating as a manager in this context.

Eligibility: Graduation/ Diploma in any discipline or equivalent with minimum one year of work experience

Duration: 1 Year / 2 Semesters

Curriculum :

Semester I
  • Principles & Practices of Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Organizational Behaviour

Semester II
  • International Business Management
  • Global Marketing Management
  • Export Import Management
  • International Trade
For more details visit:

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

IIBM Institute: How to Choose the Right Specialization in Master Program in Business Administration (MPBA) !!

Master Program in Business administration-This Program is completely Focused and flexible. It delivers the knowledge and skills you need to advance your career, no matter where you are or when classes fit your demanding schedule. Its Course curriculum is updated every year by industry leaders and academia to make it up to date, rigorous for professionals.

Choose the Right Specialization in Master Program in Business Administration (MPBA):

Finding quality option for online Master Program in Business Administration course is not a great issue nowadays and if is a real fact that adding the right qualification to your credential you can boost your marketability jolly well. But the boosting of credential will work perfectly when you will get to select the best specialization in your online MPBA course. But is there any formula for choosing the right specialization in Online MPBA? Read on here to get more insight.

Check for personal interest and basic qualification-

According to professional coaches it is important to understand personal aptitude of a candidate before selecting the MPBA specialization course for him. Basic qualification decides the eligibility but your personal interest level is the other balancing factor that can make the selection process more apt and realistically approachable for enhancing your personal credential. For example, candidates studying commerce will find MPBA in finance a better option for their career because the candidates will be able to amalgamate their basic qualification and further study interest better.

Speak to career counselor: don’t look for trend-

Sometimes career counselors can help you in understanding the right subject for you after testing your personal aptitude and career plan. However, do not look for trend that after doing a specific course some of your friends could have upgraded their job potential. Check your present job career and calculate where you wish to go after 5 years. Try to bridge the gap by upgrading your career credential and accordingly select your MPBA specialization. The golden rule of selection of career specialization is integrating it with real-time work: there is no point in pursuing an MPBA Certification that will not induce notable difference in your present career.

Career choice should be taken in count-

You are the best person to decide on your career. If you are keen to change your present job, an Online specialization in MPBA certification can be your best tool in your career climber. Skill set certification along with real life job experience will mark you as a better candidate. For example, if you are working as a sales and marketing personnel but you love to work for administration related job, MPBA in general management will be a viable option for you.

Check the curriculum-

An online MPBA Certification  is meant for offering a recipient like you extra job related insights so that he can perform better in his job field. Before opting for an MPBA specialization, check  if  the curriculum will help you to take better scale of responsibility in your present job role. If the curriculum is not relevant to your present job, you may not be fit into this MPBA specialization course.

Select the subject and then select the institute-

If you have decided for international business is your specialized subject in MPBA, you need to check now the names of the institutes offering you the course. Do not select an institute and then start finding course option for you. Your goal will be fairly achieved if you can integrate your training, skill set, and vision together under a reputable brand of education.

Follow these suggestions and hopefully, finding the right specialization in Online Master Program in Business Administration will not be a problem for you any more.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

IIBM Institute Courses: Benefits for Getting Project Management Certification !!!

ABOUT IIBM Institute
IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.
Thousands of IIBM alumni are working with leading companies like Citibank, Wipro, Dell, Honeywell, and HCL & Convergys.

Benefits of Project Management Certification-

There is a huge lists of benefits for getting Project Management Certification are as follows:
There are countless professionals already working or aiming to establish careers in Project Management profile. Project Management Certification authenticates the project management skills of a professional and helps both professionals & organizations to allocate appropriate & skilled resources to the project management teams.

Star addition to the resume:
As Project Management is a globally reputed certification, earning it and mentioning it on the resume can do wonders, when it comes to landing up with a project management profile job with a renowned organization and with a desired pay scale. Research has shown that while recruiting, organizations segregate resumes with & without certifications. That implicates that whether if anyone even more experienced than what is required to qualify a Project Management  Certification, it will always be beneficial in terms of job hunt. As the competition in the project management field is high, making recruiters selective in hiring, Project Management  Certification, no doubt, enhances the chances of being hired by companies.

Fatter Pay checks:
Project Management certified professionals being any day preferred by the organizations over non-certified professionals, provides aspects of higher salary packages for professionals having qualified the certification. Analysis conducted by experts also depicts that average yearly salaries grow substantially in project management field after a professional gets Project Management certified.

Robust communication offered by Project Management :
If the feedback from Project Management  certified professionals is to be believed, Project Management certification substantially assists in articulating & communicating various aspects of a project encompassing goals, required resources, risks involved and assumptions to be made & worked upon. The certification provides a common set of standards and a common language to be spoken in terms of project management in order to better understand, convey & communicate with customers & vendors and mitigate confusion and miscommunication. All these skills can also be learned without certification and with experience but, a formal training gives it an authentication, common standards along with ways of best practices to be implemented.

Assistance in preparation for high demand for Project Managers:
Millions of Project Management positions to be filled by 2016 and a substantial percentage of IT organizations are planning to hire Project Management certified professionals in near future. Seeing the augmenting demand, being prepared for a project management profile will be an edge for professionals.

Qualifying and obtaining Project Management certification is definitely an edge taking step for project management aspirants & professionals. It will offer exposure to develop a thought process as per project management standards, utilizing latest tools & techniques, implementing best practices and acquiring current trends. The certification being a formal & professionals’ authentication of skills, will certainly enhance the worth of working professionals in their relevant organizations and aspiring candidates in the market. Apart from all these opportunities and prospects, Project Management  also opens doors for professionals in the project management teaching field as well as professionals can train & teach project management standards, tools & techniques and other skills to professionals seeking career in this field. These all promising aspects of a Project Management certification makes it a must earn certification.

Monday, 18 April 2016

IIBM Institute Courses:Road to a lucrative career in Project Management Certification !!!

IIBM Institute is one of the most reliable online management education and training provider with nationwide network. The Institute offers an extensive range of Courses. All Programs have been planned with optimum Industry awareness and updated curriculum counting on the real-World business scenarios. 

Project Management Certification:

IIBM Institute Offers Project Management Certification completely Online.It is 3 Month duration Course.
Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific onetime effort. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying tasks or how goals will be achieved, what resources are need, and associating budgets and timelines for completion.

Eligibility:Post Graduation/ Graduation/ Diploma

Duration:3 Months

Curriculum :
  • Managing a Project
  • Examining the Project Process
  • Managing Project Integration
  • Managing the Project Scope
  • Managing Project Time
  • Managing Project Costs
  • Managing Project Quality
  • Managing Project Human Resources
  • Managing Project Communications
  • Managing Project Risks
  • Introducing Project Procurement Management

  • There are several advantages to getting your Project Management certification. First and foremost is salary. Generally if you have your Project Management certificate, you can expect to see about a salary advantage over those who do not have their certificate. For employers, candidates who get the certificate show additional commitment to the project management career path. Therefore Project Management certification enhances your resume and can open doors for you when you are seeking a project management position.
  • Another advantage to getting the Project Management certificate is that is automatically shows employers that you have project management experience. To be eligible to receive a Project Management certificate, you need both a four-year degree in addition to at least three years of project management experience. The additional education you receive will also expand your network as you engage with peers that are in the project management field.

Friday, 15 April 2016

IIBM India: 5 Steps That Will Get You That Promotion!

You love your job, you love your organization. You love what you do. But not being able to grow even after doing the best you can is demotivating you. You have got the numbers, the praise but still why that is that you are not getting promoted, even when you and everybody else around know you deserve it.

The good news is that you can still manage the promotion if you have everything planned well in advance. Here are 5 steps that will get you closer to your next promotion.

1. Lay the Foundation

You start with letting your boss know that you want a promotion. It is not like you walk up to him and directly say “Boss I need a promotion.” No that is not the way. You will have to discuss your career with your boss and bring the topic up. Seems simple but a number of employees never mention promotion in their plan and hence you don’t ask it, you don’t get it. Until you have the best boss, then you might be promoted without asking for it.

2. Position Your Promotion Well

Once you are there with your manager discussing your career, you will have to be prepared to lead the conversation. Firstly because you are the one who has initiated this meeting and secondly you cannot directly tell him/her that you want a promotion. That can leave your manager feeling on the spot and you are most probably to get a negative response.

Plan your strategy. You could begin by appreciating your job and your boss. It might not be your cup of tea, but a little flattery doesn’t anyone. Explain to your boss how you plan to stay for long and that our career progression really matters to you. Further, ask their inputs on your future. Here is the hint that you could be dropping for boss: No prospects for the long term? Bye bye!

3. Listen

Now when you have asked for feedback, be alert and attentive to note down specifics that your managers tell. You have made it easy for your manager to give you feedback something that a lot of people are not comfortable with giving. Even if you are achieving your targets, and your manager says he/she would like more from you, you have to nail something else along with what you have been doing.

Take hints from what the manager has to tell you. There might be something small or big that your manager wants you to do. It could be interacting with the seniors so that your promotion can be approved easily. Make sure you have it all noted so that it is easier for you to follow up.

All said and done, ask for a follow-up meeting with your manager so that you can review your progress together. It is easier to have a follow-up meeting when you have already discussed the same in the meeting before.

4. Start Over-Delivering

Now that you have an idea of what it is going to take to get promoted, chalk out 2-3 actions that you could complete in the coming 2-3 months. Weather it is taking online courses to enhance your skills or weather building stronger relationships with managers, make sure whatever you do is visible and is in the notice of your managers. You could record your efforts for a week or two and then sharing it with your manager over an e-mail works well.

Next you need to show to your boss that you are ready to take the responsibility further and you are delivering as if you are already on the next level.

5. Finally, Follow-Up

Once you are successful in addressing some of the key points that you received as a feedback from your boss, schedule a follow-up meeting. Remember you had mentioned it in the first meeting. Keep your notes and once again lead the conversation. Start with reminding your manager with some key areas you want to focus on. Outline the actions you have taken and then ask for feedback on your growth on the focused areas. It can take more than one follow-up meeting but remember it is your promotion and you have to have patience.

Giving your manager the hint that you want a promotion also puts a slight pressure and would take the necessary steps to keep you in the organization.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

IIBM India: Get Executive Master Program In Business Administration - 1 Year + 4 Certifications for a better career path

IIBM Institute is one of the most reliable online management education and training provider with nationwide network. The Institute offers an extensive range of Executive Programs, Dual Programs, and Certification Programs etc.. All Programs have been planned with optimum Industry awareness and updated curriculum counting on the real-World business scenarios.

Executive Master Program in Business Administration with additional certificates helps you develop the comprehensive advanced management skills you need for success in any sector without putting the rest of your life on hold. Additional Certificates allow you to develop additional skills and expertise in a specific area. This Program makes it feasible and practical to work on a high quality while still meeting your commitments to work and family. It is designed to fit individual schedules, the program can be successfully completed from home, work, or even while travelling. You can control your study hours, working at the time and place that�s right for you.

Eligibility: Graduation/ Diploma or equivalent in any discipline with minimum three years of work experience

Duration: 1 Year / 2 Semesters

Curriculum :

Ist Semester
  • Human Resource Management
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Project Management
  • Managerial Economics
  • Six Sigma Green Belt Professional
  • Project Management Certification
IInd Semester
  • Corporate Governance
  • Elective 1 Paper 1
  • Elective 1 Paper 2
  • Elective 2 Paper 1
  • Elective 2 Paper 2
Specialization of Executive Master Program in Business Administration : We have 40 Specializations you have to choose any two Specializations. for view Specialization visit :

  • Digital Marketing Professional
  • Excellence in Elective 1