Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Pros and Cons of Online Courses- Management Certification

In an attempt to get better jobs and to widen the scope of their career, many people consider going back to school to complete their Master/ PG course. Since survival of the fittest is the way of today’s world, remaining competitive is the only way to ensure the security of one’s job. But due to the time constraints and the umpteen numbers of responsibilities that one has to keep up with, it is not always possible to drive down to take classes. In such a situation, the online Master certification/ PGDM program proves to be a blessing in disguise as it offers flexible timings.

However, before anyone opts for these courses there are many things that one must be aware of. Following are some of the pros and cons of pursuing an online management certification course:


  • Flexible Timings: No doubt most of the courses offer deadlines to meet but the individual pursuing the course have the liberty to do their course work at any time of the day. The course is best for those people who are working and yet wishes to complete the course to boost the growth of their career.
  • Convenience at the door step: Depending on the swiftness and performance of the individual, they can pursue the course at peace and have a life.
  • Getting Certified: Earning a certification while maintaining a low profile and being anonymous is another reason why most people prefer to opt for online program. This program is a life saver for those students who are timid and often hesitate in speaking up in the class.
  • High quality of Learning: These courses are extremely good for working professionals who do not have the time to go to regular institutes. Technology is changing the world and learners today can easily access to the lectures of good colleges professors through their mobiles/ tablets.


  • Lack of networking opportunity: Lack of networking opportunity is a major concern. Students pursuing online course will not get the opportunity to learn things of out of the syllabi.
  • Campus Placements: Online programs do not provide you with the opportunity to join professional organization that could widen the scope of your career.

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