Friday 30 December 2016

IIBM India: 6 Steps to Help You in Becoming a Leader!!

What becoming a better leader means

Becoming a better leader means growing your expertise in whatever industry or niche you’re in; being willing – and able – to share your insights with those around you; being good at not only sharing your expertise and insights, but also at teaching others how to apply them so they don’t make the same mistakes; and being someone who your followers can trust and view as an authority figure.

It also means big potential for your business.

Deliver value with integrity and passion, and your fans and followers will always be there.
Learn to take responsibility for your actions, and use your failures and missteps as learning experiences. You’ll be amazed by the lessons you can carry with your for years to come, and how those lessons can truly help others.
Make helping others achieve their goals through sharing the lessons learned, skills and knowledge you already have BIGGER than your own fears.

6 steps to becoming a better leader-

1. Follow leaders who you look up to

This is sort of like writers following the writers they admire. If you’re following true leaders, then you’ll have a lot to learn from them in order to become a better leader yourself.

Take Action: Pick out 2, 3 or even 4 leaders who you admire – either for their speaking abilities, their expertise in a particular industry or niche, their ability to teach others who can learn from their mistakes – and read their articles, follow their speaking engagements and check out their presence on social media and within online communities. You’ll soon find that leaders have an effective way of getting out there and being seen and heard.

2. Practice the things that make you uncomfortable

A lot of you who want to become better leaders probably know exactly what it takes to get there, but the reason you’re not a better leader right now is that you’re scared of those things.

These things might include becoming a better speaker, building stronger relationships, taking yourself out of your comfort zone for travel and other engagements… Guess what? All of these things will help you become a better leader.

Take Action: Start practicing those things that make you uncomfortable with a mentor or friend. Before you know it, you’ll not only become better at doing these things, you might actually grow to like them!

Anything that makes you uncomfortable WILL make you stronger after you’ve achieved it.

3. Tell yourself every day that you’re a leader (and believe it!)

You love staying on the negative side of things, right? You’re not good enough at this, or strong enough at that. It’s comforting to know these things because it means you can’t fail. How can you fail at something you’re not even good at in the first place?
If you already know you can’t do it, then it won’t be a surprise when you don’t.
To become a leader, you have to believe that you are a leader, and then start ACTING like one.

Take Action: Look at yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself every day that you are a leader.

4. Learn something new about your expertise, industry or niche every day

I don’t care what expertise you have, or what industry or niche you’re in; these days, things are changing by the minute.

In order to maintain your leadership level and your expertise – your ability to teach people things that will keep them from making the same mistakes you did – you need to stay on top of the changes that are happening around you.

Take Action: Do keyword searches for words and phrases that are trending in your business world. Then, find relevant articles, writers and publications who keep up with the latest and greatest and add them to your Feedly, (or whatever platform you use to track your favorite feeds). This way, you’ll be able to go to a single source for updates relevant to your industry or niche.

5. Gather resources you use and that you would recommend to others

If you’re being looked at as an authority figure by others, then you better believe you’re the one those people will be looking to for resources and advice. This is why it’s important to have a collection of resources that you not only have used and believe in yourself, but that you also feel strongly about recommending to others.

Take Action: Every time you use a new resource or tool, take notes on your experience with it. Once you have an ongoing list of resources, you can start to build out a resources page on your site to share with your followers.

6. Read

In addition to following leaders who you look up to, and learning something new about your expertise, industry or niche every day, it’s also important to read, read, read!

Business books abound, proven by our list of The Top 10 Business Books recommended by today’s top entrepreneurs, and in every one of these business books you’ll be introduced to new strategies, new ideas, new resources and new inspiration. Keep the mind at work!

Take Action: Make a list of the top 5 business books you want to read, and set a date that you want to have them finished by. Then, hold yourself accountable to that date.

IIBM India: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Professional Certification!!

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a hot skill in today's online job market. Whether you are designing websites, writing website copy or trying to market a product or service online, displaying your Search Engine Optimization Certified logo and certificate means you have the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve results. In addition, potential clients will feel safe knowing they are backed by Search Engine Optimization Certification's dispute resolution services. Certification demonstrates to employers and clients alike that your expertise is accredited by a recognized industry organization.

Benefits of SEO certification:

Develop a strong understanding of SEO, including tools, strategies and best practices.
Apply proven SEO methods to organically generate relevant keyword phrases for your site.
Receive SEO credentials in less time and money than a degree would require.
Be recognized for your SEO expertise and commitment to your evolving your skill set.

Eligibility: Graduation/Diploma

Course Duration:  3 month

Who Should Attend

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Professional Certification Course can be beneficial to professionals who want to be proficient in the Industry’s best practices. The course could be pursued by:

Marketing Professionals
Sales Professionals
Business Owners
Digital Marketing Professionals

IIBM India : Increasing Demand of pay per click in today's Scenario !!


PPC, or Pay per Click, is pretty simple: Search engines like Google and Bing allow businesses and individuals to buy listings in their search results. These listings appear alongside and increasingly above the non-paid organic search results. The search engine is then paid every time a user clicks on the sponsored listing.

Pay Per Click is an effective internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where the advertisers pay the publisher or the website owner when the advertisement is clicked.
IIBM’s Pay Per Click (PPC) Certification trains Professionals gain skills in the field of online marketing discipline of PPC and Paid Search.

In the Digital world, a Pay per Click certified professional would be able to display compelling campaigns to the targeted audience based on their expressed interests and demonstrated history.
PPC Professional Certification is made up of multiple module with streaming video lessons, multiple workbooks with recommended exercise, High Quality e-Learning Content and a final online test/ exam to earn your Certification.

Ultimately, pay-per-click marketing is good for everyone:

It’s good for search engines – PPC enables search engines to cater to searchers and advertisers simultaneously. The searchers comprise their user-base, while the advertisers provide them with their revenue stream. The engines want to provide relevant results, first and foremost, while offering a highly targeted, revenue-driving advertising channel.

It’s good for advertisers - Advertisers are offered a unique means of putting their message in front of an audience who is actively and specifically seeking out their product. Because searchers reveal their intent through their search query, advertisers are able to measure the quality of traffic that results from search engine clicks.

It’s good for searchers – Research indicates that searchers click on paid search ads more often than any other form of digital advertising. This means that people really don’t mind being advertised to, provided that the products and services advertised actually fit the searcher’s needs. And because we use search engines when we’re looking for products and services, the results, including the ads, are generally highly relevant to what we’re looking for. Plus, Google has developed an excellent formula for ensuring that PPC ads meet the user’s needs.

PPC is Important to Digital Marketing: Pay per click advertising can generate traffic right away. It’s simple: Spend enough, get top placement, and potential customers will see your business first. If folks are searching for the key phrases on which you bid and you’ve placed a well-written ad, you will get clicks the moment the ad is activated. So PPC advertising is fast, nimble & also be a bargain.

IIBM India: Online Education and Benefits of Online Learning !!


 IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.
Online courses are great for self-motivated individuals who want to learn new skills and advance their careers without dropping their commitment to their job and/or family. Getting education online will also save you tons of money since you’ll avoid having to pony up even a fraction of the 10-30 thousand dollars required on average for a traditional education.1 Although some would argue that online education is only an awesome alternative to traditional education because of the savings and convenience, there are actually many other advantages. Only online education fully integrates itself into today’s educational technology. It is also more efficient for fast and especially motivated learners and offers skills that lack resources in traditional education despite high demand from employers (coding and social media marketing are common examples). One could even claim that it isn’t an alternative at all but rather a different path with its own rewards.

Benefit of Online Learning

1. Self-paced learning. When you start browsing through interesting online courses and programs, you’ll notice the Self-Paced label on most of them. What does this mean? Self-paced learning means that the students can start completing the targets at any time, and he can arrange a learning schedule that meets his individual needs

2. You can learn whatever you want! You can pick the program of your dreams in traditional education, too, but that would involve traveling away from home, living in a completely unknown city, and struggling in an extremely competitive learning environment. With online education, you can take any program or course present in traditional four-year universities.

3. Online courses look great on a resume It doesn’t matter where your career stands at this moment; an online program will always look good on your resume. It will show potential employers that you’re committed to learning and you’re eager to obtain more knowledge and new skills. Hiring managers don’t see online degrees as inferior to traditional ones. A degree is a degree. If you obtain an online degree from a prestigious university, you’ll boost your career with the speed of light. You will certainly become a better candidate for a job promotion, and your resume will look much better when you apply for new positions.

4. Comfort. Forget about attending classes for hours, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, and suffering from back pain by the end of the day. You will not be bound to physical class session when you opt for online education. All lectures and needed materials are provided via online platforms, so you’ll easily access them from the comfort of your home. You will not take public transport to get to campus, you won’t have to spend money on gas for your car, you won’t have to get up early to get dressed for class… the list of conveniences goes on and on.

5. Lower costs. The fact that online programs are cheaper when compared to the ones held in a traditional campus setting is enough to convince you to consider them. The average tuition for online courses depends on multiple factors, so it varies from one program to another.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

IIBM India :Benefits of Doing Master Program (FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT)!!


Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of money (funds) in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of the organization. It is the specialized function directly associated with the top management. The significance of this function is not seen in the 'Line' but also in the capacity of 'Staff' in overall of a company. It has been defined differently by different experts in the field

Executive Master Program has been and will continue to be a major requirement since most businesses understand the value of properly managing their assets. Financial management is focused on the planning and controlling the financial resources of any industry. A bachelor’s degree in finance can help you to work in commercial banking, investment banking, financial planning, money management, insurance and so on. But an Executive Master Program in Finance will help you move up the corporate ladder and get more prominence in your job. Such courses offer students a deep understanding of financial management, technological proficiency, interpersonal skills, professional insight, business skills and managerial skills.
Careers after an Executive Master Program- Finance

After completion of the course, students can find jobs in sectors like

1. Asset Management
2. Corporate Finance
3. Corporate Banking
4. Credit Risk Management
5. Derivatives Structuring
6. Hedge Fund Management
7. Private Equity
8. Treasury
9. Sales and Trading
10. Stock Market
11. Prime Organizations
12. Finance Ministry


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

IIBM India : Get Certified Digital Marketing Master Program!!

Digital Marketing Master Program  is becoming a must have skill set as it now becomes imperative for marketers to reach out using the ever-growing online platforms like search, social media, mobile enabled web etc. IIBM ’s Digital Marketing Master Program courses have been designed to give a thorough understanding of digital marketing concepts to empower marketers, entrepreneurs and professionals for achieving their marketing objectives. With 150,000 Digital Marketing career opportunities opening up by 2016 as forecast by Industry experts evolve with IIBM online into a Certified Digital Marketing Master Program.
Become a complete Digital Marketing Champion!

Course 1:  SEO professional certification

 SEO Professional Certification Course imparts knowledge and helps a professional develop the skill to use keywords, to gain potential viewers to the website. It is crucial for a business to rank well and to grab the attention of search engine visitors.

Course 2:  Web analytics professional certificate:

Web Analytics is the measurement, collection, tracking and analyzing internet data to optimize web usage. Businesses are widely using web analytics for business solutions and market research.

Course 3:  Content marketing professional certificate:

Content Marketing is aimed at building authority, amplifying the message, acquire and retain the intended audience. A well written Marketing Content on email, Social Traditional PR, Print, article or a blog post instantly attests the writer as a trusted advisor.

Course 4:  Pay per click professional certificate (PPO):

Pay Per Click is an effective internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where the advertisers pay the publisher or the website owner when the advertisement is clicked.

Course 5:  Social media professional certificate:

The Social Media Professional Certificate is designed for professionals with little experience with social media, or those who are looking to gain in-depth knowledge so they can control social media to build and extend brand awareness, better service current customers, and leverage social media for new customers.

Course 6: Mobile marketing professional certificate:

IIBM’s Mobile Marketing Professional Certification Course, enables the participants to gain expertise on using the mobile medium as a means of marketing communication.

Eligibility: Graduation/ Diploma in any discipline

Course Duration: 1 Year

Course Fee: 50,000 ( 15% Service Tax Applicable)

Who Should Attend :
Marketing Professionals
Sales Professionals
Business Owners
Digital Marketing Professionals

Course highlights:
24×7 Online Access – 24×7 Access to Course Material
Android App
Preparation of Google Adwords Certification
Study Material-Provided LearningMaterial to student
Online Exam/Test
Certificate Awarded By IIBM Institute

IIBM India : How to improve your analytics talent !!

Analytics actually makes IT life easier. It points out the bleeding obvious from all the monitoring data available, and guides IT so they can effectively manage the availability and performance of their application. Think of analytics as doing the hard work or making sense of the data being collected,

Data Analytics is not limited to mathematicians, statisticians or IT professionals with programming skills. The need to analyse data has become so elementary today that a professional in any business is expected to know the necessary skills. While professionals today are aware of the need to be trained, some are unaware of how to embark on a career in analytics.

Data Analytics is one of the most sought-after skill sets today, with students and professionals alike aspiring to be enabled with the necessary skills to derive data-driven business insights in their careers. It also helps organisations attain a competitive advantage over others.

For students and professionals who aspire to be data-driven, here’s a list of options one can choose from to specialise in Data Analytics skills.

Business Analyst (Marketing specialisation): All existing and aspiring marketing professionals looking to fast track their careers and data scientists who want to build expertise in marketing analytics can get specialised in this. One will start by learning the fundamentals of analytics, including business statistics.

Business Analyst (Finance specialisation): All existing and aspiring finance professionals looking to fast track their careers and data scientists who want to build expertise in financial analytics can opt for this course. One will start by learning the fundamentals of analytics including business statistics. He or she will then learn the popular analytics tools for finance professionals and application of analytics in finance through hands-on case studies.

Data Visualisation: The specialisation is useful for aspiring and current data scientists looking to build expertise on data visualisation. It is also useful for those who need to share their analytics results with a wider audience. The students will learn how to tell a story with the available data and how to communicate it effectively. One will learn powerful visualisation techniques using popular data visualisation tools.

Machine Learning (ML): This path is recommended for any aspiring or current data scientist. One will start by learning the basics of Machine Learning and go on to learn the most popular ML techniques like neural networks, support vector, random forests etc.

Machine learning is considered as the future of analytics. As datasets grow in size, ML is playing an increasingly important role in analytics.

Big Data specialisation: There are not many people with Big Data specialisation. Hence, there is a good scope for people with this skill. During the course, one will learn the basics of Big Data and then move on to the latest big data tools and technologies. This field covers everything that is expected of an expert Big Data professional.

HR Analytics: All existing and aspiring HR professionals looking to fast track their careers can consider this. One will start by learning how to perform complex analyses using Excel. Later, the student will move on to the application of analytics within the HR domain. There are case studies on all popular HR aspects like attrition prediction, training effectiveness etc.

Data Science specialisation: Those who are aspiring to become data scientists, data scientists looking to expand their knowledge of various tools and professionals who want to use analytics more effectively can take this up. Here, one will start by learning the fundamentals of analytics, including business statistics, and then go on to learn the most widely used tools in analytics.

One will also learn the popular analytics tools and the application of analytics in marketing through hands-on case studies. This also includes a deep dive into the field of e-commerce.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Monday 26 December 2016

IIBM India : 7 Must Have Ecommerce Analytics Tools !!

Web Analytics is the measurement, collection, tracking and analyzing internet data to optimize web usage. Businesses are widely using web analytics for business solutions and market research.
Have you ever given a thought that why online business tracks scores of numbers and what it could be tracking? The most vital thing to track is performance.  Your business might be booming but whether it succeeds or fails? Luckily there are oodles of tools which can give much needed insight into your site and how you can make it better.

Mint Web Analytics tool

Mint is a self-hosted web analysis tool that is comparable to Google Analytics in terms of the kinds of data it collects. It tracks all basic statistics like referrals, searches, popular pages and traffic trends.


Tendering a little more depth in surveying, Yahoo! Web Analytics is an enterprise-level, highly customizable web analytics system to help business websites increase visitor satisfaction and sales, get new insights in online customers and reduce marketing costs. Storing data in non-aggregated, raw form, Yahoo Analytics is more than a reporting tool. It’s a highly flexible, powerful, data analysis tool.

Woopra Web Analytics tool

A tool that proffers real-time analytics tracking while Google Analytics tool takes hours to get updated, Woopra feeds you live visitor stats encompassing what pages are live and where on the website. Besides this, you also get the chance to live chat with website visitors.

Google Analytics 

One of the most famous analytics tools which is geared for small business owners who wish to learn about the site, Google Analytics is free and renders a great way to track landing page activity. It helps the marketers know the traffic, bounce rates, statistics, conversions and more. It is indeed the perfect place to begin if you are new to measuring web traffic.

Clicky Web Analytics tool

One of the most comprehensive tools in the market, Clicky displays each individual visit and the things they find interesting on your website. Clicky’s data is real-time and the available one is superb. Moreover, it is free until you receive more than 3000 page views. Overall, if you need an analytic package which tenders access to real time data, it would be the perfect choice.

Crazy Egg Web Analytics tool

Offering you an image of where visitors are clicking on the site with the help of heatmap technology, Crazy Egg is a free one month trial and can help you improve your website design. It is best known for scouting the website’s usability. Setting up is quite easier with 30 day money guarantee.

These are the best web analytics tools to choose from. Select as per your budget, industry and time you can put into learning analytics tool.

Kissmetrics Web Analytics tool

Another popular tool that enables clients to track the movement of visitors throughout their sites, Kissmetrics is a superb way to gather information and know the behaviors of individuals. It proffers a “Timeline View” of visitor activity in a visual format. Give it a try free for 30 days. Later, take a plan at $29 a month depending how many events are followed.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Saturday 12 November 2016

IIBM India : Break Into the Digital Marketing Industry with Awesome Tips

IIBM India Digital Marketing, IIBM, Digital Marketing

A moving target that is constantly growing, Digital marketing specialist is the challenge that excites many an aspirant. New marketing channels are continuously coming into view and if you have decided to become a marketing specialist, then go ahead and create a significant impact in your life. The globe is getting increasingly digitized. Companies all over the globe are waking up to the chance of this innovative medium to nurture scores of business objectives in CRM, Sales and Marketing.
If you are passionate about making a career in digital marketing, there are oodles of courses on digital marketing which are tendered as online courses and workshops.

Tips to become a digital marketing specialist:
  • Cater to the needs of every customer. You have to be well versed of the sort of hunger they have for content.
  • Have thought leadership content and for that hire a content specialist. As growth is important for business, oxygen for survival, develop this content well and it has to be unique and innovative.
  • Promotion of products and brands on digital media is vital. Digital Marketing experts are responsible for carrying out marketing campaigns on channels such as mobile, email, website etc.
  • Have knowledge of SEO tools and techniques, Marketing concepts, Web analytics and Content marketing.
  • Stay up-to-date by paying a visit to some great websites like and Here, you can come across scores of remarkable blogs that have the ins and outs of digital marketing.
  • When you hit a wall, find a master of digital marketing. You will truly learn from his/her experience. Remember that digital marketing is booming in the market, staying on top and implementing the latest will set you apart from other candidates.
  • Basic understanding of HTML and CSS will help you save a lot of time. Bumping into nasty bugs or doing some research on competing sites, you don’t need to be a programmer.
  • WordPress enables you to create different sorts of websites with no programming experience. Creating a blog, social network, landing page or E-commerce, anything can be done using wordpress.
  • Another important tip is PPC advertising. You will require picking up the pace through Facebook Ads, Adwords and any other network. You need to understand the work to be able to deliver the results.
  • Having profound knowledge of image and photo editing will be an added an advantage to your marketing career. You should know graphic art, image dimensions and texts.

Digital marketing is famous as ever, so showcase these tips on your CV and advance your digital marketing career.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

IIBM India: Demand for a Project Manager in Top Industries !!

IIBM India Project Manager

Are you worried about your career progression? Well, nowadays every person who is looking to carry out something innovative will choose project management professional as a career. Whether you are considering a change in career or just completed your study, building a career in PMP is the most challenging task for any individual. The demand for PMP is in every sector like information technology enabled services, manufacturing and construction, healthcare and many more. So, pick any of your choice and start a career in project management.

Have a look at some of the industries where project management is in high demand:


A successful health sector needs a compound demand management, recruitment team, technical team, supply chain network, IT team and so on. So, whenever there is an opening for project manager, health sector also recruits project managers vastly nowadays. This big industry takes care of oodles of projects of health related creating jobs every day. Moreover, the high remuneration make it the most appealing and desirable sector for project managers.

Oil and Gas

Today’s world is energy driven. Everything from house, offices, cars, all of them are power-driven. All this has made oil and gas industry as one of the largest sectors in the globe. There are scores of vacancies in the oil and gas domain all over the world. The requirement for production of eco-friendly fuels, innovation and supply chain has increased the total number of projects in this field. All those who wish to be a part of this growing industry should have the required skills to attain the opportunity of working as a project manager in oil and gas industry.

Information Technology

One of the highest paid industries in the world, Information technology is in high demand for creative thinkers as well as non technical background. Each individual dreams of starting a career in IT as there are range of project management needed to run a project in the software development. A person can start a career by learning the basic methodologies of project management then opt for a certification in Project Management Professional (PMP).

Banking and Insurance

Jobs for project managers are also available in Banking and Insurance industry. There is a vacancy for project management when there is a new policy in banking. Most of the private banks such as ICICI, Axis and HDFC are hiring a project manager who has knowledge and skills in planning and understanding the constrictions of the project.


As a project manager, dealing with customers and solving their issues play a great role in ITES/BPO industry. If you have knowledge in inbound or outbound process, this is the right platform for you. Whether you get to handle a team or client interaction, this can be your idyllic platform to start and make a career. So, in ITES/BPO, there is a huge chance of finding a project manager job and a better opportunity of excelling.
So, if you have the will to carry out anything and make a career in this sector, there are many organizations available to hire you. Refine your skills and gain experience.

Construction Industry

There has been a significant shift in market dynamics relating to projects in the construction industry worldwide. The United State is still in the top three for construction value that is expected to top $15 trillion by 2025, with the United States, China and India taking up the lion’s share.

The Project Management role is quite mature in the U.S. Markets; however, hiring in the United States to fill large gaps in demand versus supply in the emerging markets is spawning a whole different industry in the United States. There is a huge swing to transferring skills to other countries and one senior company representing the industry suggested that “highly qualified Project Managers can just about write their own ticket in some of the emerging markets.

In conclusion, there is a great opportunity for the mature U.S Project Management Market to continue to thrive in the construction sector by looking over the border in areas where the services are not so mature and provide the skilled workforce for many years to come.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Thursday 27 October 2016

IIBM India - What is Practical MBA / Master Certification?

Practical MBA is an educational course that permits its recipients to apply their knowledge and acquired skillset directly in a professional workplace for better work-life integration. MBA is business management administration and is a general approach for business management. But in Practical MBA will customize and tailor made the theories and approaches according to practical necessities of a specific industry/workplace. All the subjects dealt in practical MBA courses are designed is a way that gets relevant and related to that specific industry vertical.

Practical MBA does not deal ample with theories, perceptions, rulebooks, assumptions & history, which a university MBA degree mostly deals with. All Practical MBA Programs keeps its focus mostly on the applied features of the business/specific industry & not on the general theories. The specialties of Practical MBA are:

·         Mostly suitable for job seekers, app Practical MBA programs are designed to make the recipients street smart by keeping focus on applied facets of business management.

·         The classes are coordinated by subject matter experts and hardcore industry aware people like Business Professionals, Industry Experts and Business Managers.

·         The goal of these programs is to train and groom ready-to-work, industry-aware professionals for workforce.

·         These are short-term courses and cost-efficient than a regular MBA holders.

·         It has been surveyed that while, 30% regular MBA students can complete a regular MBA, almost 90% students of practical MBA course can complete their course successfully. 

Practical MBA is more a concept than a usual degree, which can impose huge influence for recipients. Practical MBA is not taught by universities but by some specific autonomous institutions like IIBM Institute.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

IIBM India : 5 Burning Questions Every Six Sigma Professional Would Ask !!

The value of Six Sigma skills for enterprises is clear. From helping in the successful completion of projects and in improving productivity, to waste and cost reductions in businesses, Six Sigma practices have benefited organizations. 3M,, Boeing, Dell, and Wipro are few of the top enterprise organizations benefiting from Six Sigma practices.

The demand for qualified and certified professionals has also been on the increase. It is estimated that certified Six Sigma professionals have an advantage of more than $ 15,000 hike in their salary when compared to their non-certified peers. On an annual basis, this amounts to over $ 165,000!

If you are making decisions about Six Sigma, we hope this article helps you make the right decisions in terms of investing on the more-suited Six Sigma certification and the right training partner.

If you wish to be validated for your skills in deploying Six Sigma tools and techniques effectively in your organization, then this is the right certification for you. The certification has become a mandate for Quality Specialists who wish to advance in their career in Quality Management. The certification journey is quite a rigorous one that aims at training professionals in advanced skillsets through its different levels of certifications. It is also a booster that helps you with hikes in your salary.

If you’re already in Quality Domain, you’ll be aware of certain important factors like: the industry needs, the level of knowledge expected of professionals at the different rungs in the processes in your organization, the available resources in this domain in your organization, the kind of Six Sigma tools and techniques that your organization uses and so on. With this knowledge, you can cross-check the course content with the requirements, before making the final choice.  

On the other hand, if you are new to the arena, researching on certain basic industry requirements and qualifying yourself in the foundational levels should help you edge ahead.

There is no single body of accreditation to certify from in Six Sigma. While some organizations, like Motorola and GE, take the initiative to train professionals by themselves, there are also training providers who offer training and certification in Six Sigma level of certifications.

First-party certification denotes self-declaration in the part of professionals who declare to have met the criteria of Six Sigma certifications.

Second-party certification is when a company or a training partner create their own certification program with their own set of validators.

Third-party certifications, refer to those that identify and validate that product, process or service meets standards and criteria that are independent of any industry. These are reviewed by independent, impartial associations that maintain the industry standards. American Society for Quality (ASQ) and International Association of Six Sigma Certification (IASSC) are some standard third-party accreditations.

Second-party certification has become the norm in Six Sigma levels of certifications. This way, you can choose the training provider based on your needs.

With good research, you can compare and contrast organizational/professional needs with the course content of different training providers and choose that which suits your needs best.

One thing to note here is that, just as course contents differ from each of the second-party certification providers, so does the demarcation of content that goes into the different levels/ belts of the certifications.
So, ‘needs’ of the professional, is the core criterion to be kept in mind while deciding on the training provider.

Six Sigma, as a customer-driven quality-control program, is advantageous in plenty of ways. From retaining customers, helping employees effectively in time management, reducing cycle time in processes, to effective strategic planning and supply chain management, Six Sigma abounds in benefits to organizations. However, there is a flip side to the coin.

As a vigorous program that has a “defined limit of about 3.4 defects per million products or service processes”, it can create rigidity in its deployment, thereby delaying processes. Also, with greater emphasis on customer satisfaction, it may underplay the value of internal quality-control measures of a company.

Further, this is a program that can only be conducted by employees who are trained in Six Sigma. For smaller businesses, this is a pricey expenditure, as providing Six Sigma training for employees or employing Six Sigma certified employees is expensive.

But the benefits are immense and as more and more organizations are coming to adopt Six Sigma in their processes, particularly those involved in manufacturing, the demands for certified professionals is on a steep increase.

Monday 24 October 2016

5 Online Courses to enhance your technical skills !!

IIBM institute of Business Management offers a wide range of courses. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Online courses or e-learning is the buzzword today with more and more individuals understanding its need and the importance for enhancing their skills through these certifications. Continuous skill up gradation is the need of the hour and hence the demand for online courses.

The 5 most popular online courses for 2017 are listed below. However, there can be individual preferences but the ones most in demand and highly recommended by recruiters are given below:

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Professional

This is a great certification for widely accepted and required across industries for quality and process improvement. It offers a set of techniques and tools which focusses on customer requirements through minimizing variability in manufacturing and improving process quality. The certification offers huge career opportunities and a phenomenal 28% higher salary.

Total Quality Management Professional

The total quality management certifications courses will help individuals to benefit from the growing world-wide demand for quality professionals. It has been designed from a special standpoint to ensure that the students, who achieve this certification, are most useful to business organizations for establishing quality assurance systems and improving their business processes.

Certified Project Management Professional

This course is a must for Project Managers in any field be it IT, Construction or any other sector. It is a globally recognized certification which brings out project delivery capabilities in the most professional manner. The certification is based on PMBoK Guide 5th Edition and needs to be cleared along with other prerequisites to become a certified Project Management Professionals.

Big Data and Hadoop Developer              

This is one of the biggest on-demand course with the biggest advantage of getting a 52% higher salary post completion. This course provides knowledge and skills for Hadoop development which encompasses introduction to the Big Data Eco System, Hadoop Architecture, MapReduce frameworks, initiating with installations along with discovering technologies such as Pig, Hive, HBase, ZooKeeper, Oozie, and Flume. It a great course for Java developers, Architects, Big Data professionals and for professionals aspiring career in Big Data and Hadoop.

Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Professional

A great tool for professionals across the industry, this certification is probably the biggest ask across job descriptions and recruiters prefer candidates having this certification and often earn 18% higher salary than their counterparts. This certification is the biggest and the last of the Six Sigma and is for professionals who are well versed in the Lean Six Sigma Methodology and are into improvement projects. This certifications provides thorough understanding of all aspects of DMAIC and deep insights on ways to perform and interpret Six Sigma tools and how to use standard principles of Lean.

In the end….

These courses offer in-depth knowledge about the subject and a certification at the end which often prove to be the big game-changer for a lot of candidates in terms of personal growth, salary increment, new jobs and so on. When the world is moving ahead it’s wise to keep pace by staying ahead of the game and reaping innumerable benefits it has to offer.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

IIBM India : Do not know programming! Here’s how you can still make a career in Big Data

Big Data is acknowledged across the world for offering data center strategies. It facilitates organizations to stock up, manage and maneuver huge quantity of data at correct pace & in a timely manner. Big Data can be found everywhere i.e. it is being created by people utilizing transnational tools, social media, generating from applications and so on. Identifying the competency it has and predicting trends, this data is in high demands among organizations. The challenge appears when it is realized that there is poor availability of Big Data professionals.

There is a huge demand for Big Data professionals, companies are offering competitive salaries making it an extremely lucrative career option. Breaking the myth! Working on Big Data requires programming skills is actually not true. Even with little or no knowledge in programming there is a lot of scope and growth in the Big Data space.

The 5 things in Big Data without programming!

  • R, a programming language which concentrates on statistics & data visualization and makes it highly acceptable among data scientists. The basic understanding & skills required for learning Big Data are creative intelligence and strategic abilities. Other significant aspects it requires are the competence for coordinating with co-workers throughout the business and well established soft skills as they make an individual capable of transmitting data-driven findings to the higher officials in a convincing way. We can’t achieve effective Big Data handling only by having huge data, but along with it, an affirmative and open senior management to utilize this data in new ways and identifying the power of creativity & innovation,
  • Talend (Talend Open Studio) is yet another tool to learn Big Data without a compulsion of having a programming background. It is a tool utilized to create an end – to – end solution. It helps beginners to comprehend the integration of data and make them equipped with Big Data skills,
  • Sales Representatives that know how to sell Big Data solutions is rising steeply and will continue for the next few years as well,
  • Information Security Analysts for monitoring and analyzing data about events on servers, networks and other devices.
  • Data Management Analysts supervising activities that protect or enhance its value, these professionals manage the movement of data across multiple systems; oversee its validation and organization and make sure that it is available to appropriate people and systems within an organization.
Now that the verdict is out that Big Data is the future and it does not especially requires a programming background to learn, we should learn this in-demand tool to scaffold our careers in a better way. There are innumerable course and certifications available for all the above career options and can be taken up full-time for part-time depending on the hours available.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Monday 17 October 2016

IIBM India: 6 Social Media Marketing Skills You Must Have

What are the skills you need for social media marketing? If asked this question 5 years back, it would possibly a short list. Social Media has developed over the years, and ignoring it means losing networks with audience, clients and leaders. Almost every organization has someone who is responsible for managing social media. If you are thinking to make a career in social media or in a related position, know about the skills you require.

Relationship Building

With the rise of social media, relationship building has become a main part of scores of aspects of Search engine marketing and search engine optimization. This is an expertise that many organizations lack resulting in spam messages on Instagram and Twitter. If you master the knowledge of relationship building, you will have a great benefit on social media. This can lead to links, traffic and increased social signals.


Writing plays a critical role to drive growth. The ability to create unique visual content stand out in the crowd, all you require a posting strategy that encompasses an array of eclectic content. The more sundry your content profile is, the better opportunity you have of being successful as a manager. The best easy to use design tool for creating ads, pictures for your social profiles and business cards is Canva. To keep the followers engaged, you have to come up with innovative initiatives and campaigns like facebook contest.


Keeping a track of all your contacts needs some level of organization. The professionals know which days and occasions are best to post content. Staying organized is important to keep a history of your posts and interactions with others.

Innovative Mindset

This approach can help you engage with your audience. It means understanding the process and not underestimating the importance of artists who are always working beyond their limits.

Leadership Skills

Keeping the team managed and excited is the best way of communication. Solid communication skills are required for a successful business leader. It is all about having a vision of where you want to be and working hard to achieve that vision.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Friday 14 October 2016

IIBM India: The Top 5 Most sought-after IT Skills !!

If there’s one takeaway from the global technology boom in recent years, it’s that it’s important to keep up, or risk falling behind. Change happens at lightning pace and skills that were the window to the future a year ago are now as obsolete as transistor radios.

Driverless electric cars, virtual reality headsets, and robot surgeons are the talk of town. But there are two simple questions that can cut through the chatter: What IT skills are companies hiring for, and what kind of IT firms are people starting up?

This is a list of the verifiably ‘hottest’ IT skills of 2016.

1. Big Data

According to Computerworld’s 2016 Forecast report, the hype around Big Data is not hype at all, but a true phenomenon. Big Data was the number 1 skill that companies were hiring for. Robert Half Technology, the IT staffing firm, has said that companies want professionals with two distinct skills — the ability to interpret vast amounts of data, and a knack for bringing data to life, visually.

The latter is as important as the former, as the insights gained from data have to be clearly communicated to everyone in the company ecosystem. Currently, good Big Data certification training to gain project experience remains the best way to break into the $40 billion dollar industry.

2. Project Management

Tech is booming, and so it’s no surprise that project management is among the top 5 IT skills. More spending in the information tech industry = bigger, more complex projects, which means better qualified project managers to manage those projects. CIOs like Ken Grady of IDEXX Laboratories have said that while project management in not a new skill, it’s changed a lot over the years, and it’s extremely valuable because people who’ve mastered it are able to handle fast iteration. It involves coordination between teams and precise expectation management.

The ability to optimize business success in markets that require companies to launch new products and quickly pivot is vital in 2016. A certificate program in PMP, the world’s foremost project management methodology, is the quickest and surest way to success with this skill.

3. Mobile App development

Trends come and go, but your smartphone is here to stay. Well, maybe not exactly. Wearables are taking off, from sunglasses-type headsets to smartwatches. Each of these devices comes with its own platforms and APIs, and knowing how to design to the specifications of a device is a top skill of 2016.

According to market research portal Statista, global spending on mobile apps is set to cross $35 billion in 2016. Users want crisp, fluid experiences across all their products and companies want to win the attention of consumers. If you’re interested in creating mobile apps, the most useful skills are Android OS and UI knowledge, as well as fluency with Javascript and MySQL.

It’s clear that Steve Ballmer’s infamous ‘developers, developers!’ chant is only getting louder. Add app development skills to your skillset with industry-oriented training in Android development.

4. Cloud Computing and Salesforce

You’ve probably noticed that you store less and less data on your hard disk drive, and more and more on the cloud. This is also true for most companies, from up-and-coming startups to midsized firms. Software-as-a-services like Dropbox, Amazon Web Services and Salesforce have made it more convenient than ever before to store large amounts of information in the cloud.

But organizations need in-house cloud specialists to handle all their accounts and derive the maximum impact from their systems. Spending on cloud services will grow to more than $127 billion by 2018, according to an IDC forecast report. Facility with Salesforce, Microsoft Azure, and AWS are the most sought-after skills in this space, but the overall ecosystem is also booming. Accredited training packages in Salesforce development and app building will get you ready for this sector in no time.

5. DevOps

The industry joke is that programmers either think that DevOps is the worst of both IT development and operations, or the best. Companies, however, are massively in favor, and this is reflected in the pay packages for those proficient in the skill. A survey from Puppet Labs found that DevOps engineers make $100,000 a year or more.

The DevOps methodology requires a mindset of finding the fastest ways to automate an organization’s processes. At every product launch, it’s the DevOps specialists who are the heroes. Robert Byron, principal consultant at WinterWyman Search for information technology, has said that he would like to clone DevOps professionals because of how important they are to every IT project. A specialized certificatory course in DevOps is the best substitute for experience to those looking to make it big in this field.

So if you’re looking to become a complete professional, make sure to add these skillsets to your kit. Online certification training courses offer unique advantages over conventional training, with the courses designed for busy professionals. Carrying an accredited credential in these popular skills will also distinguish you from your peers, and make your profile that much more attractive to potential recruiters.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Monday 3 October 2016

IIBM India : How Online Master Program of Business Administration Can Enhance Your Marketability!!

Professional career planning is a dynamic concept as we need to improvise frequently our road map. Regardless it is the change of profession or about taking a leap toward some career advancement with enhanced seniority or job responsibility, the importance of acquiring skill set and getting certifications of these skill set is really vital for a professional in order to update his/her eligibility status.

Master Program of Business Administration is an excellent tool for a professional who wants to train himself as a leader or a potential manager in his/her profession. But joining a full time MPBA leaving a regular job sometimes becomes a difficult option for an on-job professional. Alternatively, if a student wants to continue his/her professional grooming along with his/her regular study, the option of joining a full time-MPBA course often becomes cumbersome task for him. In both these cases joining an online MPBA is a viable solution. Now let’s check how your decision of joining an online MPBA can enhance your marketability.

Best use of time: by joining an online MPBA you can use the online flexibility and enhance your qualification while doing a job or studying in general course.

One of the best ways to pace with time is to utilize the steadfast speed of passing time. Joining and pursuing online MPBA is a unique way to achieve professional certification. On-job professionals can double their marketability with professional industry accepted online MPBA certifications as well as real life experience of professional job track. Students can make their credential more equipped with enhanced qualification of a competent manager. If you are an on-job professional looking for career boost in managerial cadre, joining an online MPBA is a great plan.

Cost efficient resume up-gradation: the Online MPBA credential will enhance your marketability and you need to exploit the potential.

In comparison to regular MPBA tuition fees, Online MPBA courses are more pocket-friendly. Moreover some accredited institutes offer excellent course curriculum that are not only comprehensive and excellently industry allied, they are adhered by global standard of management education and business administration. By joining these online MPBA courses students can get best return of their investment as well as can wonderfully enhance their professional credential.

Potential employers want a combo of learning and real life expertise: use of Online MPBA qualification to showcase your personal qualities.

Onlin MPBA courses are mostly arranged on virtual interactive platform and students are given quality study materials. But students attending these courses have to be self-starters and self-motivated people who can organize their study, etc. by themselves. Online MPBA courses are proven ways for estimating the ability to cope with challenge and strict deadlines of semesters. When a recruiter finds the track of successful completion of online MPBA in the resume of a student, he can be sure about the achiever nature of the candidate, which ultimately turns to be an asset for an organization.

Networking starts from here: make a comprehensive network of professionals for further use.

Quality management institutes offers effective placement assistance, alumni reunion programs, and arranges different webminars conducted by eminent people in leading corporate positions. As a result a student of Online MPBA can build his excellent professional network, which can work as real life stimuli for his/her career graph by helping in exploring new career opportunities by discussion, referral, and right way of presenting candidature.

Advantages of Online Master Program in Business Administration-

Advantages of Master program in Business Administration goes hand in hand. Graduates of Master program in Business Administration have, due to their qualification, higher chances of obtaining and holding a high level management position, whether you wish to further your current career by advancing in a leadership position, or you want to pursue a new career, an Master program in Business Administration is definitely going to boost your chances of achieving these goals.


IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.

Friday 30 September 2016

IIBM India : Do you have what it takes to be an IT professional?

Mulling over career choices and wondering if Information Techonology is still an ‘it’ profession? IT continues to reign over the job market even today. Based on analysis of online job postings, the MEI reveals IT hardware and software is the fastest growing sector in India. Registering a 76% increase in March 2016, IT has a sizeable lead over other sectors that have, on average, lodged 45% growth.

While tech companies may be big on hiring, getting the right IT job can prove challenging. Some companies want candidates with prior tech experience, others are looking for people who are a good cultural fit. Soft skills, such as an employee's ability to communicate effectively, negotiate conflict and work well in teams, are also crucial, especially if you are applying for a senior position.

So before throwing your hat in the ring, ask yourself whether you possess the skills required for an IT professional job and steal a march over your competitors.

Problem solving

It’s an indispensable skill for any IT engineer. The need for creating any software, for instance, is generally framed as a problem and it is the developer’s job to come up with a solution to the problem. Every software developer is, therefore, essentially a problem solver when s/he sits down to write code.

Since the skill isn’t taught in schools, the only way to learn it is by observation and self study. Software engineers in particular must be able to learn on the job, partly because of the speed at which the field is advancing, and partly because of the innovative nature of their profession.

Decision making

An IT professional is called upon to make critical decisions every day. The ability to think each action through, analyze every alternative, weigh every action in the light of its consequences and choose the correct one is a skill every good IT professional must possess.

Analytical skills

IT engineers research, test, design and install various components/programmes related to computers, making good analytical skills a fundamental requirement for a successful career in the profession. Sound analytical skills enable engineers to understand the mechanics of a system, pinpoint problems and make modifications to address them.

Logic and common sense

“Common sense is not so common,” French writer Voltaire is supposed to have said, and with good reason. Logic and common sense are the twin pillars on which information technology is based and a sound sense of both will give employees a massive leg up.


Most IT jobs are project related, so employees are expected to have good team management skills. Being detail-oriented and forward-thinking is considered an asset. The ability to plan and prioritize resources is crucial, especially among senior employees, for projects to progress smoothly.


Most of the real IT learning happens on the job. That’s why companies value professionals who have the ability to work along with others and provide mentoring and support.

Client interactions are also important in this profession. Employers are looking for candidates who can articulate complex technical concepts and strategies into language that is easy for an average businessperson to understand. The ability to manage multiple vendors and negotiate contracts is also given weight.

 ABOUT IIBM Institute

IIBM Institute aims at providing more than education in this competitive environment to its candidates, so as they can work towards attaining and achieving higher career growth.

Established in 2008, IIBM began its mission with the sole purpose of imparting professional education to career aspirants even in the remotest corners of India and the world.

The institute offers a wide range of Master Certifications, Executive Programs, Dual Programs and Professional Programs. All the programs have been designed with industry-oriented and updated curriculum considering the real-world business scenarios.
Thousands of IIBM alumni are working with leading companies like Citibank, Wipro, Dell, Honeywell, and HCL & Convergys